Welcome to BCDesign’s Small Video Collection

Some videos are wildlife observed; others are a series of photographs put into motion. Enjoy!

Don’t forget to come back here after you drift off to YouTube :)

Two elk herds are meeting, the cows are mingling and the bulls are not happy. After a short fight they decide to do this....... Colorado 2018
Wild commotion of snow geese at the Flight Deck. January 26, 2019 Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio, NMIf you like what you see, follow...


American Avocet at the Bosque Del Apache Nat. Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico.http://www.bcdesignphotography.com/
Sounds like a dish? Lol, yes I was fed by this beautiful moment in creation. Inspired me to take a look into video editing. First try, I'm more into photogra...

Hummingbirds are such a joy to watch!